The Diamond Dog Blog - the blog of Bayside Melbourne's Diamond Dog Food and Bakery. Blogging about canine health, hygiene, treats, nutrition and more!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Flea Follies

Although unfortunate, fleas appearing on your dog is a part of life. We can feed our pup, groom them and exercise them regularly but fleas can appear at almost any time despite keeping a clean home or even if your dog spends most of its time indoors.

Most pet owners believe that seeing one or two fleas on their dog or cat means that the flea infestation is minor. Others may think they “caught them” from another animal in the neighbourhood. This is rarely the case.

Adult fleas can produce eggs quickly and in large numbers. Fleas lay their eggs in the environment in which the pet lives. For most pet owners, the pet's environment is the home. Flea eggs may take several months to develop into adult fleas, depending on environmental conditions. A comprehensive pet flea control program which kills not only adult fleas but also flea eggs and flea larvae is necessary to control existing flea infestations in dogs.

Many pet owners mistakenly believe that because a product is natural or holistic in origin that the product is also safe. There are many natural flea control methods which are extremely safe with little to no chance of adverse reactions. These would include such things as using a flea comb to remove adult fleas, utilizing flea traps in the household, using borate products in the home, and using nematodes in the yard. However, there are some natural flea products which can be dangerous for pets.

We recommend Frontline, Heartgard and Paragard to stave off fleas, ticks, heartworm as well as a raft of other ailments such as parasites. We believe they are the most effective and most comprehensive program to eliminate these illnesses in their tracks to make sure your puppy gets the most out life!

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